Judging from the number of articles in magazines and design blogs devoted to this subject, I gather this is a universal problem. What to do with your tv - do you hide it or flaunt it? What kind of media cabinet? Etc. My problem is compounded by the fact that I still only have a 21" by 21" by 18" traditional cathode ray tube model (i.e., not a flat screen), which is in a too-large dark brown media cabinet that I've decided looks hideous in my already too dark living room. Personally, I like the idea of a tv in an encasement surrounded by bookshelves. However, I imagine that if I ever get around to purchasing a new tv, it will be a flat screen. I have no desire to purchase a new tv at the moment, but I'm thinking my media solution should be versatile. Maybe something like this system from Crate and Barrel (but pretty):

Also, something this big would have to be white. I've searched far and wide and have not found anything I like in that color.
If I scrap the shelving idea, I think I like this Matisse Media Cabinet ( W: 55.0", D: 21.0", H: 30.0") at Eboniste. (They have it in parchment white, which I like, I just think the "oak cherused" shows up better in the picture.)

However, the price on this is so ridiculous, I don't even want to write it down lest my ultra cheap boyfriend should read this and yell because I even considered it. Also, although it's deep enough to accomodate my c.r.t. model, I don't know if it would look OK if I ever got a flat screen. Plus, I've already previously boo'd the Eboniste (see Decorating Dilemma re Floor Lamps below).
I could just go for something easy and simple, which is also cheap, like this stand at Ballard Designs:

But, it just makes me sad.
I've thought that maybe just a simple bench like this one that I spotted on 1stdibs might work, but I would have the problem of where to put the cable box to contend with:

I think the only resort may be to get something custom made that has the shelves and could perhaps be easily altered if I ever got a bigger television. Oy!
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