Since purchasing my Miele vacuum cleaner, I have become a vacuuming fiend. The vacuum has a HEPA filter, an absolute requirement given my allergies, six power levels, a silence setting, an extending wand so that I don't have to bend down unnecessarily and a number of attachments. It is so powerful and easy to use that I almost relish vacuuming every nook and cranny in my home. Lest people think that I am a cleaning fanatic, I'll just say that I was a slob for a good part of my life. But as I've gotten older, I've become more organized and developed routines that I can manage. I try to vacuum at least twice a week (I have two cats). Sometimes, I break it up by doing the floor one day and getting at upholstery, furniture and moldings another day. Some weeks, I just do the floors, doing the main living areas one day and the bedroom the other day.
While I'm on the subject of cleaning tools, one heavy hitter that I cannot do without:

Lint rollers keep me sane between vacuuming sessions. I find them indispensable for keeping upholstered furniture free of hair, etc. (I have two cats - sometimes I "lint roll" them) as well as de-linting my clothes.
It's all about maintenance after all . . . .
1 comment:
Through a particulate analysis on YouTube, it really shows how well the Miele vacuum works and truly traps the dust. My findings prove that the Miele Vacuum is completely sealed and really is HEPA.
You can see from this video that the Miele will trap all of the particles in a cloth like bag that self seals on its way out and you are actually purifying the air in your house by vacuuming! The filtration is 99.95% effective at 0.3 microns which is amazing. Thanks to its HEPA filter and super intensive clean bags the vacuum is able to achieve this kind of filtration.
I bought my Miele Vacuum from KillDirt for only $699 with free shipping and no tax (because I do not live in New Jersey). They were wonderful to deal with and they made my shopping experience a pleasant one. Especially since I called them and got a free package of bags. :)
Also check-out my blog called "Consumer Reporter," - a vehicle to educate consumers about the vacuum and air purification market.
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