Dominique Browning is my hero. She is the editor-in-chief of House & Garden, and the reason I look forward to my H&G issue every month. I subscribe to few magazines and rarely bother to read the editor's foreword, but Ms. Browning's essays are different - they are beautifully written and somewhat poignant. At first, I was surprised (and amused) at how seemingly unrelated to anything in the magazine the letters are and that she writes so honestly about intimate details of her life. She is of middle age, has been through a divorce, is suffering from "empty nest" syndrome and grapples with the decision of whether to sell her home. Ultimately, I love how her humanity comes through. Also, I love it that she doesn't bother to hide a bit of grey hair in her picture on the inside cover. I just googled her and was excited to learn that she's written a few books, one of which, "Around the House and in the Garden: A Memoir of Heartbreak, Healing, and Home Improvement", I ordered right away. I can't wait to receive it. Here's a link to one of her editor's letters (they can all be found on the magazine's web page). http://www.houseandgarden.com/magazine/editor/dbletter_20070613
I am so sad to see House and Garden close it's doors. I looked forward each and every month to read Dominique's wonderful essays. Life won't be the same without her.
I just found out that House and Garden - my last, best and favorite magazine is no more. I just cannot believe it. Does anyone know where Dominique is now?
If I were her I'd go away for a while and take a well-earned vacation. I'm sure we haven't heard the last of her (fingers crossed)!
I am devastated to lose my House and Garden. It was read from front to back each month and then perserved in my H&G magazine files. Unlike any of the shallow competitor magazines. Dominique and her publication will be missed.
I am devastated to lose my House and Garden. It was read from front to back each month and then perserved in my H&G magazine files. Unlike any of the shallow competitor magazines. Dominique and her publication will be missed.
I live in England and look forward to buying H&G each month. The inside was great but it was the "bookends" I read first - Dominque's letter and the Testy Tastemaker's critiques. They alone were worth the price. V sad it's gone. Domino is no substitute, nor is AD.
I just tried to read some of dominique's older editorials and found out that H&G is gone...I'm upset and also wondering if anyone knows how this happened?
Where is she? Surely someone knows.
My friend and I can simply not
believe this news.
I will miss the magazine but, I will really miss her column.
How disappointing that H & G is no longer. I have been reading this magazine for over 50 years! And Dominique Browning was the best editor ever! Miss her and miss this magazine. It had soared to be the best house/garden magazine available. Getting this magazine and enjoying each photo, article, and editorial was always a treasure chest full of joy!
I couldn't put it better ...
The inside was great but it was the "bookends" I read first - Dominque's letter and the Testy Tastemaker's critiques.
I will really miss the articles on the NYC Park System - fascinating!
I subscribe to several "shelter" magazines but House & Garden was far and away the best. Dominique's essays and editorial taste and courage will be sorely missed. I look forward to hearing that she has accepted a new position worthy of her talents. You are temporarily gone, Dominique, but will never be forgotten. Thank you.
I too am very disappointed that House and Garden magazine is gone. I subscribed to it for many years, and very much enjoyed reading Dominique Browning's column. I wish I knew where she is now, what her next project is, how to email her personally and say thank you and I miss you.
It's now been three months without an H&G magazine and I'm still devastated that the magazine has closed its doors. There is truly no other home interior and garden magazine on the market like it. If anyone knows where Dominique has landed, please post.
I feel the same and I now receive Domino, its not even a good imitation of H & G. However, I recently read a lovely article by Dominique Browning in Departures magazine called Starke Beauty about a hotel renovation in London I think. I realized again how much I miss her column and H & G too.
It sounds as if she is free lancing. The mian reason I subscribed to the magazine was for her editorials. I feel it a GREAT disservice to subscribers to take it away without and explanation.
I too am devastated by this abrupt closing. Dominique was the reason I subscribed and anticipated the magazine each month. I bought her books and LOVED them. I'm hoping she writes more books, she's very talented. Something about her way with words you can feel and see it. We miss you Dominique
i was stunned when H&G shut it's doors. Dominique Brownings essays were the main reason I bought the magazine.
If you love Dominique's writing, you should check out SLOW LOVE: HOW I LOST MY JOB, PUT ON MY PAJAMAS & FOUND HAPPINESS which will be published later this spring. Publisher’s weekly raved today: “There is such feeling and care on each page of Browning’s well-honed memoir—her rediscovery of nature, her avowal to let love find her rather than seek it, tapping satisfying work at her own keyboard—that the reader is swept along in a pleasant mood of transcendence.”
Dominique has a new book out and is now on facebook! You can find all her recent articles and appearances at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Dominique-Browning/402905210711?ref=ts
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